Happy Birthday Thomas!!!! Well, my younger brother is just a little older today. I felt that an appropriate way to celebrate his birth is to honor him by featuring his artistry. It's different, huh? *Laughing* Yeah, I love it too. He's a writer, poet, painter, spoken word artist, son, and brother to many. I am in awe of his dedication and concentration when it comes to his craft. He is an inspiration to me. I love you, Thomas!
Happy birtday, Thomas, "bon anniversaire, mes voeux les plus sincères" (French song for birthday)
I have a private blog for my own family to give news to all my brothers (and their family) and to my daughter, who are living far from Paris.
Each birthday is the occasion to put lovely old pictures !
Great stuff! Happy Birthday, T!
Happy Birthday!!!
And they said brotha's don't show love?? :)
Thanks for checkin out the site. Those are beautiful paintings, Many happy Return to your brother, is he older or younger? Mine turns 18 this year....sigh where have the years gone? Visit soon,
Thanks for the birthday wishes to Thomas. I will give him the msgs when I speak to him.
Cranky, welcome! My brother is younger than me. He's a fresh 29. I am 39. Next year, I'll be fly @ 40. :)
I must admit I'm not very fond of his work, but maybe with maturity I could come to appreciate it.
Happy birthday! And cool words/art!!!
And: is that picture in DC or Atlanta? The architecture suggests Rio or New Orleans.
How cool is it that your brother's b'day is the day before mine. He must be a GREAT person. ;)
In Sesotho we would say, "U hole u be u khokhobe!"
Or, may you age on till your back is bent!
Happy Birthday, Thomas!
Stephen, I'm a bit out of it these days, so I'm not surfing as much. In the middle of performance reviews for my staff--which is a pain, but necessary if I want to eat.
I'm thinking of another piece that he did that would be more your taste. There are pieces that I even say, Huh? :)
I hope that your birthday was cool. I called last night, but I didn't think that you would be in. Love you too bro!
Thanks. That picture is in my cousin's apartment in DC.
Happy Belated!! :)Yes, and you are both very creative.
LOL! I hope I make to that point too.
I felt that you might be busy. Yeah, you have to pay the cost to be the boss. :)By the way, I'm halfway through your book: Benjamin, My Son. I'm really getting into it.
Many Blessings to you and yours~
I agree. Thomas has talent busting at the seams. I pray that he will reap the fruits of his labour.
I hope he enjoyed his blessed b-day, he did these himself? Great, I love the colors.
By the way, I posted PartII of Cloud Games :) Hope you enjoy.
Yeah, he pulls this stuff straight out the dome. :)
I'll be by to read part deux.
WOW!! I'm in awe of his artwork!!! You're brother is an incredibly talented man!! Thanks for sharing this with us.
Happy Birthday Thomas!!
No problem. When are you posting again? My link didn't work for you so I took it off for now. Let me know if you come back. :)
Oh really?
And how do you know my taste?
love the pink curtains .. the radio might get damaged because of the heater.
Borthday wishes to your Baby Brother! I like he's picture smile, reminds me of my freinds reaction to my early morning uber happiness...
so, What's up Doc!!!!
Happy birthday to Thomas! I see being multi-talented runs in the family!
True. I do not. :)
I'll tell my cousin about his curtains. The picture was taken this past summer so I hope the radio is not still there. :)
You know that I am stunned to even see you here. :)
All is well and good to see you.
You're too kind and sweet as pineapple juice. :)
Happy belatd Thomas We share a birth date. Many happy returns to you.
Happy birthday!! :)
Hey Thomas! Come here, you have more birthday messages!
So much talent in one family! WOW! Tell your bro -- Happy Birthday! BTW, check out my blog post on memory. I'm curious to know your thoughts. Have a blessed and productive day!
Thank you dear lady. :)I'm on my way to your spot.
Wow! Those are some great pieces of art. Your brother is indeed fabulously talented. Hope he had a happy birthday! c",)
Enjoying your blog. Keep at it!
Thank you and welcome, welcome, welcome. :)
Sorry I'm late belated "Happy Birthday Thomas" hope you had a wonderful day.
That's one talented brother Stephen, does he take after you? :-)
I wish he took after me. :) We difinitely share the same interest, but he's on another level when it comes to poetry and art. Thanks!
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