Friday, May 05, 2006

Amina: Feeling Her Phenotype

“Yo, I had a Queen named Amina, height 5'7" Caramel-complected, body like heaven. Met her through the sister of my man Big Vince...Like some shit from out the flicks we been in love ever since.”
(Roots, Do You Want More?!!!??!-1995)
…The hostess smiled as if she knew what my intentions were. I smiled back at her to confirm her thoughts. As I walked towards the table I thought only of her. She is my ideal, Amina. Amina is a natural beauty. She’s a soul stirrer and a muse for men with poetic potential. Just like Black Thought I raised her high and hoped that she would give me the time of day and she obliged.

Her hair…

Amina’s hair reminded me of a Minnie Riperton album cover from back in the day. It was all natural…just juices and berries. She’s my perfect angel with natural curly kinks that drape over her chocolate glazed face and large brown eyes. Her lips, the lips that I longed to kiss appeared full and soft. They were beautifully formed and slightly glossed as she smiled at me. “Hello Saint,” she said softly as she stood up to greet me with a hug. It wasn’t the type of hug that auntie would give accompanied with a pat on the back either. No, she embraced me as our bodies merged and bubbled like hot liquid. Her subtle scent of vanilla and jasmine consumed me as I felt the curves of her size 8 that was the perfect fit for what I had in mind. Yes, at that moment it became sexual, but I pushed away before she could detect the swelling in my pants. Besides, I was wearing linen.


Salsa said...

Oh My!! That was good, Is there a sequel?

you brought back some memories when you mentioned Minnie Ripperton...Back Down Memory Lane started playing in the back of mind.

Excellent Writing!

Stephen A. Bess said...

Good morning, Groove! This is something that I wrote this morning because my post yesterday did not describe Amina. So, this is what I was able to come up with on the train ride in. I have the Best of Minnie! I love it. Thanks for the comment.

Anonymous said...

Wooo, that placed my meninges on vibrate!!!!!!!

I can't wait for your publication :)

Stephen A. Bess said...

"...placed my meninges on vibrate!!!!!!!"

Sounds freaky. :)Thanks babe.

the prisoner's wife said...

ok Mr. Bess...

the writer in me wants to fix up things & give you a long drawn out critique *slaps hand*, but i know this is an exercise. and for should just concentrate on writing it all out. you have a lot of good things working here. i like the "Silent Treatment" and "Coming to America" refs. Juices & berries made me laugh *lol*...and i think you gave us a good visual refrence to look at (Minnie's album cover). but the chocolatey, etc, etc...has been done so many times. see...that is the writer in me again *lol* but you definitely have my attention. maybe you should keep it going? and not just for your friend, but for yourself?

Stephen A. Bess said...

Haa haa! I think that you are so great! I really like that about you. I welcome your critique. You can send it by email if you don't wish to post it. Thanks. :)

the prisoner's wife said...

Mr. Bess,

i would provide a crit...but i think it would be too early in the process. the whole point is to write. pour it all out there & then fix it up later. sometimes i end up sabotaging myself because i tend to edit as a i write, which makes me think TOO much, which leads me to a big ol block. so i don't want to do that to you *lol* have a lot of good things working here. when you are done writing, i will offer my crit. just let me know. :)

Stephen A. Bess said...

That's cool. Yes, I do very little editing while I write. I have to go back and make corrections (if I catch them). This is why it's good to have a writing group or someone who will LOOK at your work. It's very helpful and I'll definitely let you know. Thanks again.

Uaridi said...

She is beautifully built - great beginning.

Stephen A. Bess said...

Did I describe her well? It's been a long time. Thanks. :)

Anonymous said...

Oohh Stephen! How dare you get us all worked up while we are at work! :0} I can picture her perfectly! I can also picture the moment exactly. I cannot wait to read more! WONDERFUL as usual!

Have a great weekend!

Stephen A. Bess said...

Hi Faith! You know what, someone else told me to make this into my own. This is part of a friends story but I changed the characters name to Saint and Amina. Maybe I can make up their love story. It's something to think about. Have a great weekend! :)

Anonymous said...

I think that would be a GREAT idea! I think you would write such a wonderful love story! I would certainly read it! :)

Stephen A. Bess said...

Faith, you're so nice. Thank you and have fun this weekend! :)

Stunuh Jay said...

Not bad...! Actually really good! The 'size 8' was a cop out!!!! You done good. One gold star, coming up!

NML/Natalie said...

I really enjoyed this and cracked up laughing at the end :-)

Stephen A. Bess said...

lol. Haa ha! :)Thank you. The size 8 was just a middle ground for a black woman. They are all beautiful from size 2 to 22. **wink** I'm glad that you like the writing though.

Hey...we can't help ourselves. That's not funny! :) Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Hi Stephen,

FYI - I sent my comments to your email (I want you to be aware because they might go into your Junk folder)- not because they were negative (quite the contrary) but, because they were to lengthy to post here.

Let me know what you think.

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