Thursday, September 06, 2007

Photo & Poetry: I Dream

I dream

Challenge me...

And I'll dream BIGGER

Bigger than any King

or childhood imagination

By: Stephen Bess

Photo credit: Photograph by Stephen Bess


MJW said...

Awesome. You tell 'em, Bess!

Dance_Soul said...

Ahh - yes. I think thats what makes us stronger - the CHALLENGE of those who doubt us (as a people, as a race, as a gender, as a nation, as a city, etc.).
You hit the nail on the head with this one Stephen. It needs to bless the front of a t-shirt.

(Hello Mrs. Bess! ::::Waves::::)

Kiss your wife for me today - its been a while. :-)

Stephen A. Bess said...

Thank you and hello! :)

Thank you sis. The poem was longer, but I condensed it to what you see here. I'm happy that I got my point across. Peace~

By the way, I kissed the wife and she received your msg. :)

Anonymous said...

Very touching Stephen! I love it, and so true!

Stephen A. Bess said...

Thank you Faith. I hope all is well in your part of the country.

NML/Natalie said...

I really liked this. It highlights how you need to be challenged for growth and excellence. You won't aspire for what isn't a challenge as there is nothing to aspire to!

Stephen A. Bess said...

So true. You said it well. I hope that you don't mind the change of photo. I put my own photo there. It seems to speak to the poem.

This photo is for you. :)

get zapped said...

Nice metro pic! This young man looks like he will conquer many things in life. Powerful stuff, so thanks!

david hayes said...

That's how we should all live our lives.

Stephen A. Bess said...

Thank you. I love the expression.

David Hayes-
Yes, indeed and welcome.

BronzeBuckaroo said...

You are posting. Good!

This poem, well, I'd like to paint it words on the walls of my niece's and nephew's rooms. It is so inspiring.

Writing on Board said...

Beautiful. Thank you, bro. Nice.

Stephen A. Bess said...

Thank you. It's good to post something. It's especially good if it inspires.

:) I thought that you would like this pic more. Besides, it's my own. Peace~

Crankyputz said...

perfect expression of what childhood should be about.

Rethabile said...

Yeah, you're posting (as someone else said higher up). Great. Wonderful thought wrapped in a neat package of words. Cool.

African girl, American world said...


CapCity said...

Niiiiccccce! love the metro flick, too. came here via prisoner's wife...gotta add U to my BlackMenBlogRoll:-)

Stephen A. Bess said...

Yes, we should challenge them all. Thanks.

Thank you, sir. :)


Thank you sir and welcome!

the prisoner's wife said...

when i get to brother Langston & his dream series with my students, can i add your poem to the mix? sometimes i feel lik ei write them and show them, they feel as though i am "right" and they are wrong. at any rate...i digs it!

Stephen A. Bess said...

Hello! I need to visit your blog. I would be honored if you mentioned my poem to your class. You're too kind. The thought of being included with Langston makes me feel all warm inside. :) Peace~

Anonymous said...

Powerful poetry written in few words. This one is potent. Loving it!!

Stephen A. Bess said...

Thank you so much and welcome!

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