Saturday, June 02, 2007

Poéfrika Picture Meme

The rules of this meme are simple. Look at the snap, what does it inspire you to say? Well, write it then, but only in the form of a poetry verse, and only one line that fits in with the preceding line.

That's it. One line of verse that carries over from the line before, and that is in relation with the picture. Present the poem on your blog as you wish (I've used "font-style: italic; color: rgb(0, 102, 0); font-size:130%" on mine)

The picture is a hut from southern Africa, probably Lesotho, judging by the style.

Please tag only one person who you think will play along. Clearly say/show whom you've tagged so we may easily follow the poem as it builds up. The poem is done when a "tagee" fails to deliver, or when it reaches twenty-five lines. Whichever comes first. It will then be time to vote on a final and last line (twenty-sixth). I'll ask all "tagees" to offer a last line, and I'll put up a poll on Poéfrika so people can vote for the last line.

Once it's done, it will appear here (with credits). And, "tagee," if you don't want to play along, or simply can't, please tell your tagger so that he or she may tag someone else. So here is a line, to which you should add yours, and so on. Don't forget to link to your blog (with the first word of your verse). Visitors are welcome to play along in the comments section. Let us play.

The world waited outside for us. Waited
with moist grass beneath our feet
cloaked with years of silent preparation
I'm tagging Cathy Delaleu


Geoffrey Philp said...

Ha, ha! Yes!
It's moving along nicely.

Rethabile said...

And now it's prepared, ripe and mature. Nice line.

Sheba Brooks Moore said...

our ancestors voices rsonating like surround sound presence deep like rhizome roots...

Stephen A. Bess said...

Geoffrey and Rethabile-
Thanks for getting me involved. I love it so far. I hope that Cathy responds soon.

That is very nice. Thanks for your contribution to this. :)

Lyrically speaking said...

Hey Mr. Bess, hope i'm not too late :)

Silence procrastinates with the wind
The mystery of hope pours across the skin

Stephen A. Bess said...

Hello Cathy! No, you're not too late. If you can post the exact same post as this one (Copy and Paste) and add your line to the ones put there by Geoffrey, Rethabile and me. You would then tag one person just as I tagged you. :)

black feline said...'s so nerve wrecking...i

Cergie said...

Stephen, thank you for passing by on my blog
Did you notice the poor porter and his heavy loading ? He is a modern slave, I think, in our modern world
Because he needs money for him and his familly
Perhaps he cannot even have a familly
And when he will be old and too tired what will he do ?
Our earth is so sad sometimes...

Stephen A. Bess said...


I did see that photo. I thought to myself, that looks incredibly heavy! Yes, the world is very sad. Thanks for the photos.

Anonymous said...

24 JUne 2007 (even tide)

A study of Sun Rays (Crespuscular)

Running to find the end of the rainbow.

Running to find that shaft glory--to be bathed in light.

Bearing the soul to the divine.

Seeking rest, surcease and cleansing all at once.

Faith like a waterfall--full, abundant and never ceasing.

Black Men in Life Space: A Change for the Better

Photo Source: Showtime The late great Chicago soul singer, Sam Cooke sang and announced that "A Change is Gonna Come." On season f...