Friday, April 06, 2007

A Psalm for the Times

I want to share with you one of my favorite Psalm . I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. I hope for many blessings to you and your loved ones on this holiday weekend. Peace~


Anonymous said...

First off, what a beautiful church. Imagine if those old walls could talk...

Second, what a fantastic Psalm! Thank you for sharing. Reading it brought a little peace to my hectic day!

Third, Happy Easter to you Stephen, your family and all who read your blog!

Anonymous said...

I love the book of Psalms!! I have a few favorite psalms myself. I love Psalm 23, 37, 51, 121!!

Have a good weekend, Stephen!

black feline said...

there's comfort and hope...Happy Easter!

Stephen A. Bess said...

So happy I can help bring a little peace. :) God bless you and yours. Happy Easter.

Yes, I love that book as well. My goal is to study more and more. Thanks. Have a great weekend!

Blk Feline-
Happy Easter! :)

get zapped said...

Thank you, for sharing this psalm. So much to embrace in this. I really love psalm 23, King James Version. Have happy Easter! Love the photo, too. Simple and powerful.

gishungwa said...

love the psalms they have a way of speaking from the heart. Blessings this easter to you and your family.

Kai said...

Happy Easter!

Rethabile said...


Anonymous said...

That's a great post...something I needed to read. Enjoy the freedom found in Easter!!

Annie Jeffries said...

So glad I found you through Rethabile. Psalm 25 may be just what I need right now.

Anonymous said...

Psalms 4 & 23 seem to work for me.

BronzeBuckaroo said...

That touched a spot for me so needed. :-)

BronzeBuckaroo said...

I hope you had a beautiful easter.

Anonymous said...

oh I love that little old country church, reminds me of the one back home in Willis, Texas.

I hope you had a wonderful Easter with lots of love.

Farmgal said...

oh how I have prayed 'do not let me be put to shame lord'
Touched me deep in my heart. I hope and pray you enjoyed easter. Its funny in America you go about your business as usual.
We in England have enjoyed a four day break!

Writing on Board said...

Hope you had a happy Easter...

Stephen A. Bess said...

I hope you had a nice Easter too. Thanks.

Many blessing to you and yours. Peace~

I hope your Easter went well. Thanks.

:)I wish I had the time. That's the 2nd one from you in less than a month.

I hope your Easter went well. Thanks.

Thanks for stopping by and welcome. :)

Yes, you can't go wrong. Thanks.

I did. I hope your Easter went well too. Thanks. :)

Yes, that photo speaks to my roots. I love it. I hope your Easter went well. Thanks. Peace~

I know. I was lamenting about this to my wife. She talks about how folks at home (S.Africa) have the days off as well. What's wrong with our Employers? I hope your Easter went well. Thanks.

Thank you brother. Happy Happy! :)

M. Akamau said...

Hi Stephen,
Beautiful Church. This reminds me of a church my hubby and I encountered a few years back in Romance, WV. Even he said the church looks much like the one we saw and fell in love with.

Beautiful Psalm. Favorites for me are Psalm 139 and Psalm 91. Hope you had a meaningful Easter.


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