If you are from or live in the United States, I hope that you had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. My family and I drove to Atlanta, Georgia to be with family. I also had a chance to make a few connections and catch up with a couple of college friends. It was wonderful, but the drive back was exhausting. I just thank God that I am back in one piece. So, will you be celebrating the upcoming holiday season? If so, how do you celebrate? I realize this depends on what country you are from or live. Please share your culture and customs with us.
Note: As for Christmas, spend more with family and loved ones than on presents. Our time and love is the most precious gift. Peace~
The Holiday season? It's all about The Love. Supposed to be anyway. Not about the money. Not about the gifts. Not about trampling people to death at WalMart to buy your favorite new discounted bauble. No.
It's all about the Love.
Only One Love.
Looking forward to my stop here soon with Owen Fiddler, Stephen!
Hi! I saw the announcement on Marvin's blog and decided to stop over here and check out your blog. Nice! I'll be back on the 14th for the tour stop for sure!!
im hurt u were in the ATL and did not let me know
Yes, one love. That's brother Geoffrey's favorite saying.
Cactus Annie-
Thanks for stopping in and welcome.
T Stephens-
lol! I thought about you and another online friend when I was in Atl. I was there for a week. I hung out a little (Apache, Ultimate Sports Bar on CampCreek, etc.). It was cool. I'll have to get your info for the next time.
So glad you are home safe.
The holidays.. some good food and lots of beautiful stories, about those who aren't with us this year. ; )
I love the Christmas Holiday! My folks come up from AZ and all my siblings live in MN near me so we all get to spend some good time together. My 2 nieces and nephew are still little (2,4 & 9) so they are extremely fun to watch opening the gifts. But I agree with you all and it is the time together that is priceless. I always cannot wait for my folks to come "home" and spend lots of time together during that week!!!
Since hubby and I have to work the day after Christmas, we will be spending the holiday at home. One of my aunts in Savannah will be hosting her annual GingerBread house party on Saturday. We may head down there for a night.
Please stop by, there's something for all you do. (Part 2)
I don't celebrate Christmas but as i'm getting older I am much more aware and grateful for my health, family and friends. And you're right, it's not about the presents...it's about spending precious time with family and friends, as I mentioned to you before life is too short...enjoy every moment of it
Happy holidays, B!
The holidays are all about family and friends. I plan to be showered by both.
Happy holidays to you and your family, too. Such a valid point you make about spending more on love than on presents.
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