This award will goes to:
1. Mickle and Zebby-Cat~New Zealand
6. NML~London
7. Cape Slavery Heritage~South Africa
9. Fabrizio's Style Café~Italy
Now, the second award is the Arte Y Pico Award [translation: The peak of art] award. This award is for blogs that display/celebrate a certain appreciation for the arts. Here are the rules:
1. You have to pick 5 blogs that you feel deserve this award based on: creativity, design, interesting material, and also for contributing to the blogging community -- no matter what language.
2. Each award has to have the name of the author, and also a link to his or her blog to be visited by everyone.
3. Each award winner has to show the award and put the name and link to the blog that has given her or him the award itself.

1. Squeeze my Lemon - This is my favorite place to go when I want the Blues. I know that sounds weird, but check him out. He has cool videos and music to enjoy. Plus, this fellow blogger is a Navy vet like yours truly. Cool blog and cool guy.
2. Fabrizio's Style Café - This is my Italian connection. I visit here when I want to see some cool art. Fabrizio is a great cartoonist and cool pizon. I'm sure that he will be famous some day, so I'm just happy to know him when.
3. Cathy Delaleu- This author and artist paints and writes some of the most beautiful images that I've ever seen and read. If you like beautiful art and poetry to match then you must check out Ms. Delaleu. She is the truth!
4. Yasmeen Christian- She writes children's books, poetry, and she always has cool pictures on her blog. The pictures make you want to go where she goes -- Yeah, they're cool. Also, I like to think that I can keep my poetry short and sweet, but Yasmeen really puts it down. Check her out.
5. Tafari Stevenson-Howard - This guy started out blogging, but then he got hold of a camera and it has been like magic ever since. This will be my only Flickr reference because I love his photographs. He has made a business of it. I miss his blogging though because he can tell a great story. Anyway, check him out.
Well, that completes this blog award ceremony. I would like to thank Jack Mandora and all my readers for your support and appreciation for Morphological Confetti. In the words of Russell Simmons, “Thank you for coming – God bless – Good night.”
Wow, thanks for the great shout out!!!! I am still blogging but my focus has shifted somewhat.
And thanks for giving me new and inspiring blogs to check out!
YOU are worth your weight in M&m's!
Congratulations, Stephen. You deserve this and much more.
Thanks, bro. Hope you're good.
Congratulations to you and all the other winners. Thanks so much for your kind words. It is really nice to have an online friend like yourself who appreciates so many great blogs. And I also enjoy your blog a great deal.
I'm going to check out each and everyone of the blogs you mentioned, just to show them some love.
EHy, Stephen, thank-you so much!
I love your blog. For your personal facts, obviously, but above everything for the deep interest you create in afro-american culture. It's a domain that it's not that easy to learn in Italy.
Thanks for sharing
Thank you so much. You inspiring me. So many blogs I must visit.
Much love.
Wow! Thank you for the mention. I am deeply honoured, and humbled, considering that I often write in my home language, which not everybody will understand. This is good motivation to keep the English focus going.
Again, thanks and God bless!
Congrats Stephen! You truely do deserve them! I LOVE reading your blog as often as I can! Between work and school, I am not here as often as I would like, but you always have wonderful posts waiting when I do get here! I agree with what others stated, it is really great to have "blog buddies" that turn into friendships! Big hugs and God Bless you and your family!
congrats to u and all the awardies - they ones i read reghuarly (including u) are very rewarding
My pleasure.
thank you and good to see you.
Thank you
My pleasure.
Thank you for your appreciation and support. Peace~
Thank you.
God bless you 2.
Hey! Good to see you here. I hope that life is treating you well. Take care and hope to hear from you again soon.
Thank you, sir. I hope that all is well with you. I'll be heading down that way for Thanksgiving. Get ready ATL! :)
Wow - kudos, Stephen, and well deserved!
Marvin blogs at Free Spirit: http://inspiritandtruths.blogspot.com/
Eye Twitter 2 - http://twitter.com/Paize_Fiddler
WOW, I am very touched by this award, thanks so much for the thought. Your blog also has been an inspiration to me. I am doing well and taking it one day at a time.
EXCELLENT. And I have a new hobby for you. This is off topic but you won't regret it. It is listening to MEMPHIS MINNIE. I am not kidding. Go directly to YouTube and search her name.
Or start here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FH8_WH5aRqo
She is arguably the best looking woman I have ever seen and she has a great voice.
STEPHEN ! You even did not advise me you decerned this award !
I must explain that I was rather busy, and I'm still rather busy. As we say in French "j'ai la tête dans le sac" = I have my head in a bag !
For instance one week ago I was far from home and at the end of the week I will be far from home !
Well. Thank you, Stephen, despite I'm not such a good friend now.
One of the things I admire most about you is that you publish a site that knows no geographical boundaries. You are a very giving blogging buddy.
I am enjoying visiting these sites. I also enjoy the cool in you.
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