"Immature poets imitate; mature poets steal." -- T.S. Eliot
This quote by American writer, T.S. Eliot intrigued me when I read it today. It caused me to question my own writing style, and if I am an imitator or a thief. Well, I thought about and I've decided that I’m definitely a thief. I say this because I take, take, take, and take some more from the world around me. I store it in my brain or write it down on pieces of paper. Then, I use all that I have gathered and I make an attempt to create something beautiful or just meaningful.
How about you? What's on your mind today. It seems like I've been gone so long. I just want to catch up with you to see how things have been. All are welcomed. Peace~
Photo source: National Portrait Gallery
In that case we're all thieves, and I doubt there's a better way of becoming a writer. I think TS wants to tell us that it's OK to take (perhaps modify, etc) a line or two that pops into your head, knowing full well whose it is. Sometimes no other line or thought will do. As opposed to "amateurs" who write in the style of their mentor, perhaps unknowingly (imitation).
Take care, bro. Litumeliso ka lapeng.
I like it. It's true, and I think there've been a lot of variations on it. Wilde's was "talent borrows, genius steals."
Since you asked...life's quite scattered at the moment. Deadlines here, deadlines there; trips coming up to New York, Kentucky, Montreal; just trying to get ahead of the curve and I keep finding there's more curve ahead.
But I'm okay. I see the light at the end of the tunnel. :-)
And how are you, my always-thoughtful friend?
Must agree with Rethabile that we are all thieves, we learn from life's experiences and as writers we use them to express ourselves.
What's on my mind? Food :) cause I had a lite lunch so can't wait to go home and make myself some dinner
Have a good weekend Mr. Bess
i love your definition of thief. i would have to say i also "take" in the world around me & it comes out in poems/prose.
on my mind? Spring Break...and more importantly, SUMMER!!! lol. i'm already TIRED & looking toward the end of this school year.
(just did a post about education...would like your insight)
collective consciousness subconsciousness...think a thought and it enters the atmosphere...for inspiration and tools for the soul...we all are more connected then we think...
I been looking at your blog for a while and I enjoy the thoughts... I borrow from the world, I think that's better than calling myself a thief lol. I borrow a little bit of this and a little bit of that and come up with something orginal.
...what's on my mind today? Me, Life, and where I want to be this time next year :)
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Im a fan, dude is tight to me.
Thank you all for your wonderful comments. Bloggers Delight, thanks for the add.
It is the same with pictures, you know. First I was unhappy, I thought other people do better
For instance landscapes. However, I have not much neautiful ladscape arround me. Now I'm fine with that : I photograph what is around me, what I like, where i live
So am I definitely a thief too
I found a quote which please to me very well and it does not the contrary of yours (the one of T.S. Eliot):
"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life"... (Steve Jobs)
Thank you for this additional quote. I like it. Yes, we have to follow the beat of our own drum.
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