I think that all of you would agree that women definitely experience the blues. As a matter of fact, if we look at the Blues guitar as a symbol of the Blues women would represent the moan and shrilling sound the bottle neck produces as it slides down the throat of the instrument. Yes, women know all about the blues. I want to share my thoughts about the blues and women in my upcoming post. Stay tuned. Peace~
Photo Credit: Bill Steber photography
Stephen, I'll be waiting for that post!
It's called Hormones Stephen, we got hormones
Sounds like a great idea. Just make sure you follow it up with a post about JOY (hmm. maybe shout music). Cause women aren't all about pain and sadness. But you knew that cause you have a wife and a daughter. ;-)
Kiss them both !!!
Coming right up! :)
I'm familiar. :)
I'm not talking about misery as much as I am talking about the blues as a creative musical genre. For instance, I sometime experience happiness in the midst of listening to the Blues. Joy. Well, joy is more long term. I'll have to write about that sometime. :)
Stephen the picture of your Momma, daughter and wife is so beautiful (3 posts back or so).
I thought of you yesterday when I received the most amazing gift. My 93 yr old grandpa talking bout his life on DVD!! I have to figure out a way to youtube it!
Staying tuned.
Thank you dear. How have you been? The video of your grandpa sounds interesting. Let me know if you get it on youtube.
Hello! Good to see you. It's coming right up. :)
Langston Hughes said of the blues. When a woman sings it the subject has more to do with men, relationships, and love. When men sing it, it is about economics somehow, being away from home. He worshipped Aunt Bessie.
Women and the blues? Can't wait.
As you know, the women are among my favorites. I'm going to enjoy writing about this.
Yes, that what I'm feeling these days. Enjoy your evening.
Bess Im tuned and waiting
I've been listening to a mournful blues tune by the excellent Cassandra Wilson. It's called "Vietnam Blues," I'm pretty sure.
I'll be back for what we're all waiting for.
Good to see you. Thanks! :)
I love that Cassandra Wilson. I have a few of her cd's. She's wonderful!
I agree, women know ALL about the blues! And they sang it so beautifully.
Originally the blues was considered a "woman's music." Back in the 1910s, that is; the days of Bessie, Ma, Mamie, and Ethel. So how could women NOT know the blues?
And you know this UB! :)
Exactly, I learned even more when I did my research on the Blues and women. Thanks for that info.
is blue a very american thing?
The Blues is just as American as apple pie. Why should the Blues feel so much at home here? Well, America created the atmosphere.
If you are into female blues performers, check out Thornetta Davis. She is from my hometown (Detroit) & she really knows how to lay it down.
"I think that all of you would agree that women definitely experience the blues." Cynically speaking, women are often the source of the blues.
LOL!! I ain't sayin' nothing cause my wife reads my blog sometime. :)
Thanks for the info on Thornetta Davis. I'll check her out.
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