Wyclef Jean has superseded his role as a Rapper/Hip-Hop artist. He is one of the few mainstream artists who has utilized his infuluence in music industry to agitate, inspire and uplift the people of Haiti. Music has always been a vehicle for change in the Black Community, but in recent years it has been blinded and overshadowed by money, bling, and debauchery. Wyclef Jean demonstrates a clear distinction from the norm. He doesn’t seem to be as concerned about record sells as he is about the elevation of the Haitian people. God bless that brother. Peace to Haiti!
Sources: http://www.bbcnews.com/ and http://www.musicclub.it/
I LOVE how proud he is of where he is from. I remember one year when he was accepting an award he went up on stage draped in his flag.
Thats all I needed :)
Congrats to Wyclef, lets hope other celebrities will do more.
i stop by for a visit.
i really like your blog!
& i also like Wyclef Jean too.
i remember him in refugees with lauryn hill...
thanks for sharing & nice meeting u...
One more time I regret my English is not good enough ! I'd like to read the comment of the anonymous for instance, never mind...
I repeat, I said that once yet, I've a visitor whose father was a great writter in Haiti and Haiti was French. He was a defendor his culture. And our President Mitterand asked to him to work for that in his governement
It's good to have enough courageous person to accept to have such responsability : defend their own culture
I love Wyclef Jean. He is such a real man in every way. He's very rooted and cultured and has the Pride of a lion.
What a cool guy, Stephen.
Sounds like music IS the real thing with him.
If only this current black society
Were blessed with more of his sobriety...
I've always liked Wy,
I agree. I think that many of our rap artist should become more conscious. It would help some of our young people out a great deal because that's who they look up to.
Hello and welcome! Yes, I'm a fan of them from my college days as well.
I agree. We must be defenders of our cultural values. We must also be defenders of each other as human beings. Thanks for that. Peace~
I don't even know what to say about that, but wow! Nice! :)
Hello! Yes, it's very real for him.
Me too!
By the way, I tried to comment on your blog, but there are tech troubles?
Hey Stephen,
Just want you to know I've been reading. And enjoying and learning and being inspired.
Hello Suzy! Longtime! I'm glad to hear that you still stop by at times. I also check by your blog on occasion. I hope that all is well. Be Blessed~ :)
Ciao Stephen!
I agree with you to support artists that stands for peace. We need a lot of it in the world now...
And really, I'm approaching to your blog as a tavern of wisdom. I'd have thought about a cave, but it's scary and you're frendly instead. So I think that the image that fits is a big table, with people chatting but above all LISTENING the right things...
I'm learning a lot by your blog. Thank-you so much! :-)
Greetings from Italy
I have always been a fan of Wyclef Jean. I think he's so talented and spirited! =)
Hope you had a good day and hope you have a wonderful weekend!!
Take some pictures!!!
Tavern of wisdom, that's right! You always talk about things which are really worth talking about and not enough people are aware of. And so: have a great weekend!
Hey! I agree with Fabrizio and Professon...Tavern of wisdom...nice and appropriate for your blog which I really like and I often visit though not always comment. Have great weekend Stephen :)
Good man + Good musician = Great personality.
Wycleff Jean is extremely passionate about lifting up people of color. He is a consumate professional who seems to want to do his best for himself and others. He's human as we all are but his efforts seems to always have the best interest of others at heart.
There is a lot I could say about Wyclef. Before him it simply wasn't cool to say you were from Haiti. Young Hatians would claim to be from the Bahamas or some other island. I'm not a big fan of the singer, but I have tremendous admiration for the man.
Thank you sir! You are too kind. I'm happy to know that you can take something positive from here. That makes me happy. :)
I hope that your weekend went well too. Peace~ :)
Hello professor! Thank you so much. I have a tremendous amount of respect for you and what you do on your blog as well.
Thank you! It's nice to know that you peep in from time to time. :)
I love his passion as well. Thanks
Thanks for that. I didn't know that about young Haitians. Peace, bro!
Yessssssssssssss, more power to Mr. Jean, he is doing an awesome job. I wish there were more Haitians like himself out there helping out the people. Paix et securite to Haiti. Thanks for this post
i hate myself now...why cant i be as prolific as you are? in blogging...i miss out so much here...how am i going to start? :(
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