I have finally recovered from the cold bug! I intend to fall back into my routine of writing and taking photos. Thank you all for your well wishes. **smile** Peace~
Photo Source: Showtime The late great Chicago soul singer, Sam Cooke sang and announced that "A Change is Gonna Come." On season f...
Welcome back my friend. I do that sometimes - daydream even though I should be reading. Glad to hear you're better :-)
What's happening! Thanks for stopping by. Enjoy your day. :)
hey Stephen,
i was wondering what the heck happened. i knew u were sick, but good lawd...i thought u had ebola or something (smile).
glad you're back & feeling better. now...start some debates and jump into some. i have a pretty decent post up now.
bougieblackboywhew, about time! We missed you....
Love the pics. The yellow hue in the storm makes it both ominous and bright, an interesting contrast. I'm also drawn to the girl twisting her hair. Nice shot.
I'm curious: When you take public pix are you surreptitious, or do you just whip out the camera and start taking photos of people? Do you use your flash? I'm often unsure of etiquette here, afraid someone will smash my camera.
p wife-
Haa haa! No, I'm fine. Thanks for checking on me. :)
What's up! I'll have to check with you to see how things went.
Thanks! I guess that I am a bit surreptitious because I don't use my flash. In this case, I used the natural sunlight. My digital camera is so quiet and small that few pay attention. However, I don't take pictures of a person's face or body at close range without them knowing unless it is a crowd or social gathering. I'm careful not to violate anyone's privacy.
So glad you are better. Thank God and Sissy for looking after you. Were you a good patient?
love the photo and the words. glad you are feeling renewed. flow as you were meant to .. natural ... i love the words you use ... rock on brothalove. capture the essence of the soul in the universe.
paz, ananda
:) Yes, I was a good patient. I just did what I was told. lol. I don't want trouble! :)
Thank you. I'm going to do just what you prescribed. :)By the way, that new picture is interesting.
I like your pictures, you have a great eye.
I like watching people read on trains too.
hey i didn't see the subway photo yesterday. nice one. life on the metro. interesting. daydreaming is a nice thing to do, but sometimes the dream can be so good that you miss your stop... ya know ... the new photo is a lotus flower . it symbolizes the jewel within each soul. very tibetan buddhist of me... enjoy the day... om mani pademe hum - loosely translated this sanskrit chant means om and salutations to the jewel within our souls... OMMMMMMM and paz to you, ananda - afrolatina tibetan buddhist sista
thanks! I really enjoy snappin'.
Thank you so much. You know, I can't help think of Tina Turner whenever you write me. It's called limited exposure. :)
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