Today is my mother's birthday so I am dedicating this post today to a wonderful woman. We had a party for her this weekend and I took this picture of her cutting the first slice. It looked good, but I didn't get a chance to taste it. We had a great time honoring a strong and beautiful mother who continues to be a loving mother and grandmother. God bless you ma. You're my rock. You've been a great mother for my 38 years right or wrong and I just want to thank you. Thank you for correcting me, popping me upside my head, loving me and praying for me. May you guide me through my next 30 plus years. We love you. MmmmmmmmmBbbbaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!

P.S. Oh, and thank you for not killing me that time I damn near burned down the kitchen playing with matches. Thanks ma! :)
Happy Birthday Momma Bess!
Very sweet. And funny. :-)
awww...happy bday to your mom!
i can't wait until my son is old enough to give me parties! this will be my first mother's day (well, with him outside the womb *lol*).
and what's with boys & matches? my brother almost burned down my parent's bedroom when he set the dresser on fire. *lol*
be blessed.
Thanks! I appreciate that.
Thank you kind sir. :)
p's wife-
Yes, my mom had a great time. She was showered with gifts. Yeah, little boys with matches??? I was just fascinated. I especially loved the magnifying glass. I would sit in the window and burn paper. I got my butt whip so much it wasn't funny. :) I eventually lost my fascination for fire and moved on to GI Joe. Thanks!~
Hei Mama, happy Birthday, see many more fruitful years. I wish you good health and a lot of laughter in the next 46years :) Thank you for loving me so much. Thank you for your listening ear, and gentle advise. I wish every woman could have a Mother-in-law like you. You are Mama in all respects, your actions, your words, even your silence is filled with warmth and kindness. Okay, I need to stop Mama. I love you, I love you, I love you
P.S. Thank for not killing him, I mean, you know I would not have a husband if you did :)
Anonymous wife-
Haa haaa!! :) You were probably crying while you wrote that. MmmmmmmmmmBbbbbaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!
that is a wonderful tribute! your mother is surely proud.
Thank you for stopping by. She is a proud mother. By the way, I checked out your spot and it's a very creative concept.
sweet post...and why the hell do boy children always play with matches/fire? ya'll so damn bad!!!!!!!
wait a minute!
your mom looks like she's 35 years old! Are you sure that aint your sister!?!?!?!?
AND--you almost burned the house down,too?
I agree with BBB, your Mom does NOT look old enough to have a grown son! She is beautiful, and she did a DAMN good job raising her son! I bet she is a wonderful lady. May God bring her nothing but happiness in all the years to come!
"Being Mamma Daily" is not my mamma. :) My mother is retired and watching cable or reading.
Miss A-
Yeah, little boys are craaaaaaazy! Straight firebirds. :)
Yeah, mom looks great. Thanks. Proud to be 60. She was cool with me putting her pic on this blog so she must think so too. lol :)
Thank you so much for your kind words and for honoring my mom! I'm going to tell her about wonderful comments like yours. Thanks as always! :)
Love the P.S. - too funny!
Stephen!!! Hey....
Happy Birthday to Moms and yeah thanks for not killing the youngsta
Yeah, I was a little firebird.
Hello! Thanks for the birthday wish for mom.
moms are the bomb
mine taught me ow to cook better than 95 percent of the women i know and folk, leave them matches b....lol
Yeah, my mom taught me how to cook too. I was able to put those matches to better use. :)
What a beautiful mother you have, Stephen. You are very blessed!
Hello my friend! :) t
Thank you. I'm sure my mother will appreciate your compliment when I tell her. I am blessed. She is a great mother.
Happy Belated Birthday to a woman apparently much loved!!!
:) thank you
Happy birthday to your mama! Very funny re nearly burning down the kitchen! This was a beautiful message for her :-)
Yes, I was quite the firebird. :)
Happy birthday to your ma! I bet you were a holy terror! So you better treat her good now to make up for all that mischief and the gray hairs.
Just checking on you to make sure you're staying out of trouble.
I know that's right Bess. Your making us proud!
Happy Belated. :)
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