This is one of my many attempts at photography. This is a tree that sits on Pennsylvania Avenue close to Georgetown. I saw it while sitting on a bench and I had to shoot it. I have a great deal of respect for trees. This respect is mostly due to fact that it gives us oxygen, but there is something very spiritual and majestic about them. It is the African belief that some trees are a direct link to ancestors. The Marula tree, which originated in Southern Africa, is often used as an alter for the people in that region. They would approach the tree and give a gift of snuff, a powdery tobacco substance, at the base of the tree. They would then present a question/favor to their ancestors. You see, they believe that their ancestors can see God. This is why they take snuff and other gifts to the tree because they want their ancestors to speak favorably on their behalf to God . I feel that this is a beautiful way to honor ancestors (although it may conflict with some Christian beliefs and practices). If I were to practice such a ritual I would have to take some Days O Work chewing tobacco as a gift to my grandmother. She would pop me in the head for telling this if she were alive, but that would be her preference instead of snuff.
lol :) Sorry grandma.
Wonderful photo for an attempt. I enjoyed the history.LOL
Thank you. I'm glad that you enjoyed it. I could almost feel my grandmother plucking me upside the head. :)
That was just my hand smacking you. :)
Haa haa! :)
I deserve it Rose. My grandmother would come up to me when I was a teenager and whisper to me, "Go and get me some Days Work." I would instantly laugh and she would giggle and pop me. She would say, "hush, boy!" She didn't want my aunts to know. She would always give me enough for the tobacco and a candy bar for me. :)
Hmmm... I would have framed this, and called it "Nature's Glory Hole"
**giggling** "Nature's Glory Hole" :)
OOOhhh! Um a tell momma!
strawberries are-
What did I forget to add? My wife doesn't know because she said that it is something that is practiced mostly in the northern region of South Africa. The information that I got about the Marula is all from memory. It's based on a conversation that I had with older gentleman from South Africa. If there are corrections or anything please feel free to enlighten me and other readers. :)
Strawberries are-
Are you hatin' on my photo? :)
s berries-
Haa haaa! lol :) I guess that I should have mentioned the amarula. I'm glad that you were encouraged today. I did learn about amarula and the buzzed elephants off of it's fruit. my wife wouldn't know anything about it. She can't handle anything stronger than Coca Cola. :)
I'll have to try amarula. I'll look for it here in the states. From here out you are "s. berries."
how do you think that hole got there?
Love the photo and the hole. The boabob (spelling?) trees live for thousands of years. The Gikuyu used to sacrifice to God (Ngai) under a tree - don't know its European name.
tu s.tin-
I have no idea. I was thinking about that before I took the picture.
I saw something about the boabob tree in my research. Wow! They live for thousands of years? That amazing. This is why I have so much respect for trees. Thanks for that info.
Trees are quite amazing, I agree! Your picture rocks. You should enter your photo's into some amatur photo contests or something. They are really good!!!
Thanks for teaching me something new today and well done on the pic :-) I take it the back of your head must be a bit sore ;-)
Thank you. You always have such nice things to say. Stay warm in Minn. :)
It's too late. It's already sore. :)I'm glad that you were able to get something from this. I learned a great deal from the comments alone.
Hello my long lost friend. You must be busy these days. Thanks for stopping in.
This is a wonderful photo with beautiful history and sentiments attached. I really learned to appreciate the great power of trees after reading Patrice Malidoma Some's "Of Water and The Spirit" Check it out sometime. I think you would be changed as well.
And thanks so much for the good word over at hersoledad
:her soledad-
I'll have to look that book up. Thanks for the info and you're welcome. :)
What? Mrs Bess is a teetotoller(sp)?? She is missing out. Yesss, Straw Amarula is up there on my list. Oooops, sorry, I just drooled on my keyboard..........
Are you juicin' at the mouth over Amarula? lol. :)
Ooooh Amarula, Yummy! lip smacking good. Can't wait to go home and pop a bottle with my grandma... After all, one can't drink by oneself, and I'm still trying to change the will (this is the only drink that does her in :) )
s. berries-
Haa haa! It sounds like I've been really missing out. My wife told me last night that she had a bottle until guest came over. The bottle disappeared along with the guest. lol :)
lol! :)I can see your grandma now, "of course you can have all my ((hickup)) money!"
stephen that tree reminds me of the time i spent on the east coast watching the seasons change with the trees outside of my terrace.
in winter the trees often reminded me of women, strong and bare.
in fall the hudson lined with trees in all of their fall glory were so majestic.
and ooh the magic of central park in bloom!
great post!
miss ahmad-
Your comment was so poetic. :)Thanks!
Mr Bess!! your friends are so "bush" :) all you had to do is make mention of a certain tree!!! Jubilation, and ululation everywhere :) "All because of a tree, a tree"
Hello Tryphina **wink**
Strawberies don't encourage Tryphina, she is already a groupie .. did I mention self-confessed-groupie? haa haa
Stunuh? is that what I think it means? Setono? heee heee
No more drooling people, here is a fresh 750ml bottle of Amarula on the rocks :)
It's ok because I married a woman from the "bush." She still gets all giddy over running water. Haa haa! :) (She reads this so she'll just pop me later)
As for Tryphina,I pay her. She's my professional groupie. lol
Annon.. you made me laff so loud, haa haa, thanx for the laff
Thank you ..curtsie.. thank you!
Stephen, did you know the easiest way to a woman's heart could be through a tree haa haa!!
You are still a great author **wink** shhh shhh
Wassup pimpin. Hey check some real African dance moves on my site.
So what you been upto lately. If you ever come to the A, holler. I could show you a spot or two.
Down here, I rule.
Yeah.... As for BJ,umm....you'd be adding to issues to get bopped over the head for by the Mrs(and I'm not so sure that I wouldn't lend her my rolling pin... actually more like oluth kwuon.... can't find translation)
Haa haa! :) Stunuh is looking out for the Mrs. I know that she will appreciate that.
What no posts today? :)
I know. I could've just talked about my lunch break or something. :)
beautiful image.
my grandma chews tabacco too, even though she thinks we don't know *lol*
Thanks Stephen. I did get to the blog after all and I'm glad I did. The tree reminded me I can exist with a hole in my soul and still be grounded. My roots (ancestors) go deep.
What a peaceful thought. And the remark about your grandma...thanks for the smile. :)
prisoner's wife-
lol! Yeah, my grandmother was very secretive about her chew, but she had a good sense of humor about it. :)
I like that! Another person's perspective is the beauty of art. Very nice.
I'm glad that I can make you smile. :)
I love the photo Bess. Great post, very educating.
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